Hi, were the Farmer’s, DeWon, Lauren, Sara Beth & Jackson, Landon and Brittain. We have been raising English Springer Spaniels for 16 years. My wife Lauren is a 3rd generation breeder of English Springer Spaniels. Her Granddad raised springers and Lauren was raised with her parents raising Springers. We started out with one when our daughter and oldest son were small and over time we have grew into hobby breeders that love raising great pets and meeting wonderful people.
This not our occupation by no means, we both work in education (DeWon is a principal and Lauren a teacher). We strive to raise well socialized quality Springers. We are now breeding 3rd generation females that we have raised. They become part of the family and once they retire they live out their golden years here on the farm.
We live on a 450 acre farm and our springers have the chance to roam but rarely leave our yard. We have been raising pups long enough that some customers are on their 2nd and 3rd springer from us. That is what we love is when folks gain trust in you that you are providing them with a great quality pup. I was pre-vet at Auburn University before settling into Ag Ed. So, we do all our vaccinations and worming on site, as well as other health needs. Not to mention our Vet is one of our close friends and we are not hesitant to give him a call or run a pup over to his clinic if need be. Most all our pups are sold with limited registration with full registration sold on a limited basis. If you are considering purchasing an English Springer Spaniel we would love to talk with you and help you pick the best pet you will ever own.
The Farmer’s